Hello what up everybody, my name is
Mochamad Angki Permadi, you can call me angki. I am the third child of three
brothers. I have two brothers and I have no sister. My first brother’s name is
Dhani Susanto, and my second brother’s name is Tino Febrianto. I live in tajur
street, Bogor. My first school in kindergarten As’saadah, and than I am takes
my elementary school in Bangka 3. I continue my Junior High School’s studies in
Taruna Andigha Junior High School. And than I am studies in YPHB Senior High
School to complite the program studies from the goverment.
After my graduated from Senior High
School I am continued my studies in Gunadarma University, i majored in
accounting. Why I choose accounting ? because I wanna be a Businessmen and i
like math. In my opinion if I chooce accounting I will have many knowledge,
it’s about how to be a good businessmen who can make many jobs for other people,
how to build a business whose can make a good product, how to manage a business
whose can make a very good decision and give a big profit , how the way to
selling my product and make a buyer satisfied with my product and many other.
I hope with my choose to entry
accounting major, can give me a way and have many friends who can helped me to
be a success businessmen, can give experience how to solve the business problem
whom can’t I get if not related to accounting issues, can give me a more knowledge
about what is business and i have skill to make a good decision to build my
business, but my main hope is to make my parents proud to me because I choose
accounting and that’s make my dream come true. Oke I thinks that enough from me
bye byee..