Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Introducting yourself and Others.

Introduction is a phrase / expression used for the introduction or introduce themselves in English. The phrase / expression introductions or introduce themselves in English (Introduction) very many variations. And each variety has different functions and roles, depending on the circumstances of the conversation.

Things that should be considered in introducing ourselves. Basic Rules to introduce your self.
1.      Convey politely
2.      Use good body gesture according to custom and local culture
3.      Avoid convey things that are negative
4.      Start with a handshake if the introduction of direct
5.      Begin with a greeting (Hi, HI, Hello, Assalamualiakum) if introduction in a public place.

What should be submitted when the introduction your self?
1.      Greet
2.      Convey an introductory sentence
3.      Convey the name, address, home
4.      Present age, occupation, hobbies, interest, pleasure
5.      Convey closing sentence.

The opening sentence of introduction to introduce your self:
1.      Hi
2.      Halo
3.      Hi frienda
4.      Hello class
5.      Hallo everybody
6.      How do you do?
7.      How are you?

Introductory sentence:
1.      First of all I would like to introduce my self……
2.      My name is …
3.      my full name is …
4.      my nick name is ….
5.      Allow me to introduce my self …
6.      I am …
7.      Excuse me, my name is …
8.      How do you do, my name is …
9.      Hello, my name is …
10.  Good morning, my name is …
11.  Let me introduce myself …
12.  I would like to introduce my self …

Introduction Others :
1.      First of all I would like to introduce you to ……
2.      Allow me to introduce …
3.      Excuse me, her name is …
4.      Hello, his name is …

The concluding sentence:
1.      Nice to meet you
2.      It is a pleasure to meet you
3.      See you next time
4.      Good bye
5.      Thank you
6.      Thank you very much

Examples of simple self-introduction
Good morning everyone. Let me introduce myself in a short time. I am Muhammad Andika and you can call me Dika. I was born in Jakarta, June 21st 1995. It means that I’m seventeen years old right now. I moved from Jakarta to this great city because my father has some jobs that must be done. Here, I live at Jl. Untung Suropati, Jasaraya. My house actually is not far from this school and you are only to ride for about 100 m to the east.

I have a nice hobby and that is writing and blogging. I get money from internet especially through blogging. I have a nice blog that provide information of Technology, newest gadget, and many more. You can visit the Techjourney.Com to see my articles.

In my house, I live with my parents named Mr. and Mrs. Wibawa. Both of them work as entrepreneur. My father manages his futsal shoes business while my mother is managing her Batik dress business. I love them very much and I’m actually five brothers. I have two elder sisters and two younger brothers. My first sister is 22 years old named Andina Rizki and now she has been a student of Indonesian University especially for English Literature. Next to my second sister who has been 20 years old named Andien Aulia and she is studying at Gajah Mada University especially for Psychology. I think, I will not tell more about my brothers because it consumes time too much.

That’s all and I would say thank to your attention. Good morning everyone, nice to see you.

Example to introduce Others.
My classmate`s name is Indra Herwawan. He lives in Bandung. His date of birth is June 21st 1994. He is a student at SMUN 3 Bandung. His favorite food pizza. His favorite sport is taekwondo. He wants to be a teacher.

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